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Patent Pending

The Score Milk team is thrilled to share that we have officially received a patent pending status for the security protocol developed by Score Milk.  The patent pending process that we have gone through will allow us to expand upon the original filing and allow us to expand the patent globally if need be.

This is great news for both Score Milk and its community.  The continued growth of Score Milk will be built around the patent that we have obtained.

Blockfolio Listing

Score Milk has also obtained a listing on the Blockfolio portfolio Tracker.  Just Search for MILK and look for our logo.

The MILK Token

Please watch carefully that you are interacting with the proper Milk token on the TRON Blockchain.

The proper Score Milk contract address is:  TYaAqxSMub4VSqZFczKDk6NzQp9N9Mcik2, you can look it up on TronScan here.

There are currently three areas you can trade and exchange the official MILK token: Just Swap, TronTrade, and PoloniDex.

Opening the gates

Thank you, again, to the community for patience while we continue to take feedback and optimize Score Milk.  We are incredibly proud of how far both the development team and the internal team have come.  The wait will certainly be worth it.

*As always, please check out the Score Milk white paper.  Make sure you follow Score Milk’s Twitter, Telegram, and Discord channels for the most up to date information.

*Legal: Before obtaining any MILK tokens please ensure you are eligible to do so in the country you reside in.  Visit for our regulation and compliance information.


Score Milk Update - April 18, 2021