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The alliance is growing

We are blown away at the incredible response from the community regarding the recently created Tron and Bittorrent NFT Community Alliance initiated by ApexGo.  It is clear that the Tron community has been clamouring for collaboration within the NFT space.  You can join the alliance as a community member today, don’t forget to verify yourself after you accept the page invite.

We thank our partners to date and all who have reached out expressing an interest in joining.  Over the next week you will see significant progress towards building out the alliance.

Below are the current commitments made within the alliance along with what they will be bringing to the alliance.  We will continue to update this page as new partners join.


Committed Partners and Commitments

NFT based Projects


  • ApexGo as the visionary for the alliance will continue to shape the alliance for the benefit of the Tron and Bittorrent NFT community.
  • ApexGo has committed to building out the rarity tool for each alliance project that requests it.

Bored Apes Tron Club

  • Bored Apes Tron Club will help support NFT projects within the alliance lending a hand with increasing exposure.
  • The Bored Apes Tron Club will also help mentor new artists transition to NFTs.

Super Representatives

Tron Spark

  • Tron Spark has committed 240,000 TRX within the next 6 months to strategically buy NFTs from alliance projects
  • Tron Spark has committed to facilitate the communication and marketing aspects of the alliance.
  • Tron Spark will host AMA’s specifically focussed on the NFT space within Tron.

Tron Based Projects


  • Token Goodies will be present within the alliance community to offer knowledge and advice on how to reduce Tron Energy and Bandwidth fees when purchasing your NFTs.


Score Milk

  • Score Milk has committed to integrate alliance member NFTs into their friendship system.  This will give users the ability to choose their NFTs as their custom avatar in a future update of ScoreMilk.

Community Leaders and Tron OG’s

Our Community leaders have committed to join the conversation on the NFT space within the alliance.  Alliance observers will be able to participate in conversations and ideas on how to build out the NFT space on Tron.

  • Mike McCarthy – Mike McCarthy has committed to join the conversation with the community. He will share his ideas about the NFT space and chat directly with the community. From time to time Mike will host giveaways specifically for the alliance community as part of his wider ambition to grow TRON and NFT awareness.
  • CGJ Crypto – CGJ Crypto has committed to engage with the community on a regular basis.  He will also participate and help coordinate AMA’s hosted by Super Representatives and projects alike.
  • Drew Wise – Drew will contribute to community growth by hosting an AMA once a month with alliance members and other big players in the NFT industry on the ApexGo discord.
  • Captain BTC – The Captain will cultivate the community daily by being involved in conversations involving Tron, NTFs, BTT, and beyond. He will join in on AMAs and community events.
  • Tron Homie – Tron Homie  feels like the Tron and Bittorrent NFT Community was meant for him.  He has committed to join the space as a Tron OG to help people.


Tron & Bittorrent NFT Community Alliance - Confirmed Partners to date