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While we press on to finalize development of Score Milk 0.5, we have some updates regarding future versions of Score Milk.

We have shared that while our initial game was being upgraded, our development team was working ahead on future iterations of Score Milk.  Score Milk V 2.0, which includes the ability to stake MILK tokens and LP tokens, is a few weeks into development.  Once the staking contract is completed, the community will be able to play Score Milk and stake their MILK to earn. By the way, there will be 3 NFT tiers for our stakers. These NFTs will be extremely cool,  and will give owners access to special benefits.

Score Milk Contest

Thank you to everyone who participated in this weeks Score Milk contest.  We loved seeing the Milkman avatars on twitter.  We will be announcing a winner shortly.

Tron and BitTorrent NFT Community Alliance

Last week we shared that Score Milk joined the Tron and BitTorrent NFT Community Alliance.  The alliance has launched their own discord channel run by ApexGo, they were kind enough to give Score Milk its own channel on their server.  Of course, you can talk about several NFT projects on the alliance server.  We encourage you to join and help grow the NFT space within Tron.

Join here ➡️


*As always, please check out the Score Milk white paper.

Make sure you follow Score Milk’s Social channels.

*Legal: Before obtaining any MILK tokens please ensure you are eligible to do so in the country you reside in.  Visit for our regulation and compliance information.
