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Development Update

We have had significant development progress in the last week.  Security has been our number one concern when it comes to developing Score Milk.  Although the concept of PVP gaming is relatively simple, it becomes incredibly complex ensuring that games can not be manipulated by bots.  Much of the work over the past few weeks has been to create and implement significant custom countermeasures to ensure a consistent and reliable experience.

The February 28 update will feature an in-depth look at where Score Milk is development-wise.  We will share with you some specific security measures that we have taken and will share more details about how the testing phase will work.


Score Milk Community

Congratulations to twitter user @danidigibyte2 for winning our “Be My Valentine” contest.


Score Milk on Tron

Since the Tron mainnet launch in 2018, Tron has shown itself to be a reliable blockchain with unlimited potential.  Key features of Tron such as scalability, low fees, and quick transactions are a necessary component of Score Milk.  As of today, Tron has produced nearly 28 Million blocks and there has been over 22,800,000 wallets created.  Tron continues to push forward overtaking popular networks with an impressive 14.3 Billion of USDT stored on the blockchain.   Tron has been able to establish itself as one of the dominant blockchain-based operating systems in the world which is why Score Milk is thrilled to launch on Tron.  

Score Milk Interview Series

This week we interviewed team member Calvin.  In the interview, Calvin spoke about the mainnet launch, the Tron community, and the reasons why he is excited to be part of Score Milk.

Check out his interview here.



*As always, please check out the Score Milk whitepaper.  Make sure you follow Score Milk’s Twitter, Telegram, and Discord channels for the most up to date information.

*Legal: Before obtaining any MILK tokens please ensure you are eligible to do so in the country you reside in.  Visit for our regulation and compliance information.
