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Imagine, if you will, a project who’s greatest purpose is to foster the development of Tron NFT’s.  Visualize a partnership so large that the entire Tron ecosystem will benefit from its existence. This is all possible. In fact, such partnerships are actively being established.

NFT’s on Tron

Tron has been an incredible space for emerging NFT collections. The rise of Tpunks, Tronmeebits and the Bored Ape Tron Club have been a sight to see.  The NFT market on Tron seems to be on the cusp of something great. While the Tron community continues to cheer on the arrival of new NFT projects, there is something that sets the Tron NFT space apart from other blockchains.  This is the incredible work that is happening behind the scenes. NFT projects on Tron are quickly shifting from launching a simple non fungible token, but rather, are developing value propositions behind the NFT projects that they are building. The challenge so far is that the community has been somewhat splintered on which projects to support for the long haul. That is, up until now.

Introducing the Tron & BitTorrent NFT Alliance

Tron is stronger when the community is together. Rather than having projects working apart from each other, the alliance will foster growth through a shared vision of strengthening the NFT space in Tron. The goal is to bring key Super Representatives, community leaders, Tron itself and other important players into the alliance. This will enable us to leverage the success of the Tron NFT projects to benefit the greater community which will ultimately straighten not only each individual project but also; Tron itself.

Benefits of the Alliance

The centric focus of the alliance is quite simple: To Increase the value of key NFT collections.  Therefore, directly benefiting long term Tron and BitTorrent NFT holders. As the alliance grows together they will discover new and exciting ways to collaborate and to benefit each other, as well as bring value to the community.

Popular Collections

To provide resources to each vetted collection. This means that every project that is part of the alliance will have the opportunity to build beyond their original NFT launch.

Long Term NFT Holders

To provide value to long term holders of Tron and BitTorrent based NFT’s.  It is clear that Tron users have been clamouring to utilize their NFT’s in unique and original ways. The alliance sees this as an opportunity to build something special.

One Community, Together.

Creating a social space to bring the Tron community together. As we have mentioned, we are stronger together. The benefit of having a community where collaboration is top of mind can not be understated. We envision bringing all NFT holders together to share, dream, and prosper together.

Building a Strong Foundation

The alliance will be much larger than just NFT collections. With such a large vision we will be reaching out to every part of the Tron ecosystem to participate.

Super Representatives

Super Representatives play a key role in governing the Tron community.  They are also key drivers in building out the Tron ecosystem.  The alliance envisions SR’s playing a pivotal role ensuring the infrastructure on Tron will exist to handle what is being built.  SR’s who take on an advisory role will be asked to participate in the community to help expand the Tron NFT ecosystem.

Community Leaders

Community leaders and Tron OG’s continue to provide significant value for Tron. Whether it is bringing new ideas, sharing incredible stats, or just being there when you need a hand, these individuals bring incredible experience to the Tron community.  The alliance will provide a space for the community leaders to interact with the community on a closer level which will only strengthen the bond and foundation of the entire Tron ecosystem.


There are incredible platforms that have been built on the Tron blockchain thus far. The alliance aims to collaborate with all platforms providing a wide benefit for them while giving key benefits for NFT holders who participate on their platforms.

Popular NFT Collections

Lastly, the alliance aims to build on top of the success of some of the most popular NFT projects who have joined the Alliance. Early access to minting and strategic airdrops will be one of the key benefits the alliance will bring to the Tron NFT community.

Committed Partners


ApexGo is the driving  force behind the Tron and BitTorrent NFT alliance.

ApexGo is here to provide the BTT and Tron community with an easy way to verify their NFTs based on trait rarity and other metrics that the collection warrants.

  • ApexGo is committed to building out the rarity tool around alliance member NFT projects.
  • ApexGo will strive to increase awareness of Tron and BitTorrent NFT collections

Tron Spark

TronSpark has been a Super Representative on Tron since 2018.  They also run the Tron related news site

  • Tron Spark will play a pivotal role in the alliance through promoting and fostering communication within the alliance.
  • Tron Spark has also agreed to take the lead in community development, marketing, and outreach.
  • Tron Spark has committed to use a portion of their SR rewards generated towards purchasing the floor on all NFT projects within the alliance.

Score Milk

Score Milk is developing a Gamefi space within Tron.  They believe that NFT’s will provide significant opportunities for growth in the GameFi spacein the future

  • Score Milk has committed to integrating NFT’s from alliance partners within their ecosystem.
  • Score Milk is open to providing special rewards directly with those who participate in the alliance’ platform.


The Tron & Bittorent NFT Alliance is opening doors for the ecosystem. If you’re interested in joining the alliance, please contact us at
