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Questions and Answer


Q: How Many Developers does Score Milk have?

A: Score Milk has five developers at this time.  The Score Milk project manger also has a background in software development.

Score Milk is also in the process of hiring a Business Development Manager.


Q: When is the Public Launch of Score Milk?

A: We can not give a specific date but we can say that we are making significant progress every single week.


Q: Score Milk launched an invite version of 0.5 back in April, what has been the focus since then?

A: This is a great question.  We have taken the communities input regarding the 0.5 invite launch and have been working hard to make Score Milk even better.

1.  We have re-built the snake game to run through another gaming engine to reduce latency.  This is in testing phase now.
2.  We have been working on the backend to make additional game launches more efficient and intuitive.
3.  We have been working on building a friendship system which will form the foundation allowing us to grow effectively in the future.
4.  We have been working on the future versions of Score Milk.


Q: What has been the biggest challenge of developing Score Milk?

A: When the Score Milk white paper was announced in 2020 we were among some of the first projects to reach into the PVP gaming on the blockchain space.  We entered the space knowing we were doing something different.  Building something new requires a certain level of trial and error.  While some projects rushed their product to market, we have remained steady, knowing that if we take the time to build a foundation well, the rest will come.  We will press forward in the same way, taking our time to get it right so we can accomplish our vision of becoming the leading platform in skill-based blockchain gaming.


Q: Will Score Milk partner with other projects/tokens?

A: We will always keep an open mind when it comes to partnerships.  At this time though our number one goal is to finish development and have a strong launch.

Meme Contest 2.0

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Score Milk meme contest 2.0!

Congratulations to @Sabudien!  You have won 1000 TRX for the creation of your Score Milk related meme.




*As always, please check out the Score Milk white paper.  Make sure you follow Score Milk’s Twitter, Telegram, and Discord channels for the most up to date information.

*Legal: Before obtaining any MILK tokens please ensure you are eligible to do so in the country you reside in.  Visit for our regulation and compliance information.

