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You are a full time developer on Score Milk – tell us a little bit about yourself

My name is Leonardo Henrique and I’m from São Paulo, Brazil.  I am immensely passionate about technology, and especially the innovations it brings to our daily lives.  I believe that we can all contribute in some way to impact society on a larger scale, and technology provides us with this capacity. I am currently studying Computer Science at the Federal University of Bahia. My family is the most important part of my life.  I am an avid game player and my biggest hobbies are traveling and playing the piano as well as being passionate about marketing.

What are some high points you have experienced during development?

First of all: connections.  The most amazing thing about developing Score Milk is that we meet incredible people, with different skills, from different regions of the world and with different stories.  All of this adds up, not only from a professional point of view, but also from a personal point of view, it is simply rewarding.  In addition, I am encouraged to always be researching and learning continuously so that I can contribute in the best possible way in the development of Score Milk.

What have been some challenges in regards to development?

Undoubtedly the grandeur of the project. When we are in a project as big as Score Milk, we need to be aware of the multitude of variables necessary for its success.  Each part of the project has to be carefully thought through, submitted to analysis, tested and implemented in order to mitigate any potential errors.  This is, of course, a challenge that adds a lot to my evolution as a developer.


What do you think makes Score Milk special?

The purpose of Score Milk already makes it a different project.  We are a platform based on the betting system in games of skill.  This means that the more you practice, the more expert in our games you will become, and the more money you will earn.  Clean game, no cheating, no pranks.  Other platforms obscure this process and implement unfair reward systems – we don’t apply that to our game chain.  In this way, the focus will always be on the player, we are concerned with every detail related to their experience: from his first contact with the platform to the withdrawal of the prizes they won.  I love games and I know that many companies sometimes forget that the main focus should always be the player.  We make sure that all members of our development team keep this in mind.

What has been the experience developing a Dapp the Tron blockchain?

I literally feel as though I am part of a great ecosystem.  It is as if we are building another gear on this machine called Tron.  The community is fantastic as are the technological solutions provided by the blockchain. The concept of Dapp, the essence of Tron, all arouses an unparalleled motivation to build a robust application that meets the desires and needs of those who use this market. We know that the future will be built on relationships without intermediaries, we are taking a substantial step towards it by developing Score Milk.



*The preceding content does not, and should not constitute investment advice.  Any potential forward looking statements are of personal opinion of the individual being interviewed.

*As always, please check out the Score Milk white paper.  Make sure you follow Score Milk’s Twitter, Telegram, and Discord channels for the most up to date information.

*Legal: Before obtaining any MILK tokens please ensure you are eligible to do so in the country you reside in.  Visit for our regulation and compliance information.
