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As many of my readers know, Tron Spark is always pushing the concept of community. With a strong community, anything is possible. In the blockchain space, due to its decentralization principles, the community makes all the difference in the world. Little did the team at Tron Spark know that they were going to experience this miraculous embrace from the community firsthand.

Tron Spark, who just a week or two ago entered the race to be a Super Representative, had doubled their voter count in just several hours. On Saturday morning they had jumped from 11 million votes to 22 million votes. At the same time, the community was providing excitement and positive feedback. Many were taking to Twitter and Youtube and giving Tron Spark shout-outs, including the new sensation Seedit. What happened next was unprecedented.

Rising to Tron Super Representative

By the time the next morning rolled around, Tron Spark was positioned as a Super Representative. Not only were they a Super Representative, but they had more votes than Justin Sun. This was nothing short of amazing. By the end of the day, Tron Spark was positioned at a crazy #6, with approximately 180 million votes. That is approx. 160 million votes more than the day before. In Tron Spark translation, the month that we anticipated to have for preparation now became one day. The things we had scheduled for this upcoming week all of a sudden had to be done overnight. As the community celebrated, the team knew this came with a lot of work and responsibility. All members, including several devoted members of the community, were on hand at full throttle.

In Tron Spark translation, the month that we anticipated to have for preparation now became one day.

As a Super Representative, there are certain requirements, on the server side, that need to be put in place which is not required from a candidate. This being the case, the entire Tron Spark team was working around the clock in order to assist the technical team to implement the necessary changes. Being that Tron Spark was not even an idea when the testing on the Tron SR infrastructure was taking place back in June, online changes had to be made with cautious precision. As with any new project, a few issues were encountered. Here is where the true essence of Tron became apparent.


Tron Community Works as One

From the minute we encountered our first issues, we had many talented parties willing to assist us with our new challenges. And thanks to the people behind Tron, such as CryptoGuyinZA, CryptoChain, TeamTronics, and CryptoGirls, with their guidance and experience, they helped our team to overcome them. Yes, these are the same people who Tron Spark is running against. They could have easily looked the other way. We all know people who would. But they didn’t! In fact, CryptoChain spent 12 hours helping us implementing recommendations given to us.

CryptoChain spent 12 hours helping us implementing recommendations given to us.

With their help, we were able to upgrade our servers to double the capacity, in preparation for future network growth,  and implement a backup server so that this does not happen again. This will make the Tron network more reliable and secure. Furthermore, they also helped us with the payment script. I have to say, these guys and gals are tremendous Super Representatives. They rose to the occasion and showed what an amazing community Tron has behind it. This is exactly the community I want to be a part of. A community that works towards a common greater goal.

With their help, we were able to upgrade our servers to double the capacity, in preparation for future network growth,  and implement a backup server so that this does not happen again.


The community did not stay behind. The majority of the members in our Telegram chat were very supportive and understanding as we provided them with updates. In fact, many kept asking if there is anything that they could do to help. A few of them even stayed on our Telegram chat most of the day to answer questions on our behalf while we did what was necessary. Even candidate Super Representatives offered a helping hand.

Tron Spark: Passing it Forward

It has been quite a fast and exciting journey to Tron Super Representative. Tron Spark wants to thank the entire community as well as all the Tron Super Representatives that showed a new SR what it is to be a part of the Tron ecosystem. Tron Spark, as a digital content creation and distribution platform, is eager to work with everyone to help all Super Representatives accomplish their mission. We look forward to working with each other, and utilizing each others’ strengths, to maximize our efforts in expanding our family and improving the Tron ecosystem.

Together, we will accomplish our goals. Thank you, everyone, for all your help and support.
