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Score Milk Vision

The Score Milk vision is to become the leading platform in skill-based blockchain gaming. Gamers will earn rewards for doing what they love while game developers can monetize their creativity.

Score Milk Mission

We want to build an ecosystem where gamers can monetize their skills and game developers can leverage an existing gaming ecosystem and user-base to bring their games to market faster and earn immediately.

Version 0.5 Launch

From concept to reality, the Score Milk team is super excited to be launching Score Milk version 0.5 very soon.

There are two very important tasks that need to be finalized before we launch:

  1. First and foremost, we need to ensure the platform functions as intended and performs in accordance to our high standards. Our developers are incredibly close to getting this done.  In fact, every major issue has already been resolved and we are down to final refinements of the project.
  2. We are working on intellectual property rights. Per our lawyers, we cannot go more into detail until we get the Patent Pending status. All we can say is that the patent we are seeking involves the security measures that we have developed for our platform.

From a development standpoint, we are still striving to meet our self imposed March 31st deadline.  Our lawyers are also trying to get everything squared away by the 31st. Nonetheless, they have instructed us not to share the concept until we get the Patent Pending designation for our security process.  That is a must as it may play a big role in our future. You’ll see what we mean when you see it.



We have been testing Score Milk on the Tron Shasta Network.  This enables us to ensure the payout modules are working correctly for when we launch on the Mainnet.  Our internal testers have played thousands of games thus far and will continue this process until we meet our performance standard.


A major challenge that the Score Milk development team had to overcome was how to ensure a high level of security.  Standard browser-based games have major vulnerabilities when it comes to online gameplay. The platform needs to be designed in such a way to combat computer algorithms from playing against humans and ruining the experience. This has become Score Milk’s #1 objective.   

The Game(s)

Flappy Ball and Stacks are great games but they were built with a process that Score Milk could not stand behind.  The team quickly decided the best way to ensure quality control was to build our own game.  Without hesitation we added some very specialized high end developers to the team.  Unbeknownst to the community, Score Milk transitioned to building both the foundation of Score Milk as well as the first game that will be featured on

The game that we are launching is a throwback.  The Snake game looks simple enough but don’t be deceived.  You will surely find the game as fun as you find it challenging.  Our second game is midway through development and will not make it to the Q1 launch.  We can’t tell you specifically what game this is yet (more below) but we can tell you that you will recognize it and become addicted to our iteration.  

Patent Pending

The Score Milk team is thrilled to share that we have developed a customized security process to prevent bots.  In fact, this process is so unique that Score Milk is patenting the process.  While we would have loved to share more information with you regarding the game play and security, we decided to follow our lawyers advice to wait for our patent pending stamp to do so.  This is also the reason why the Score Milk team has to hold our second game somewhat close to our chest, as we await for our patent pending status.

Score Milk Version 1.0 and 2.0

Version 1.0 includes mobile play and fast play.  We are currently already in the testing phase of our mobile Play.  Fast play is a process that allows you to jump the line and play against future players.  The development of fast play is being swapped.  While we originally were planning on launching both of these features together, we don’t want to hold up the mobile play.  Since we are ahead of schedule on mobile play we will likely split these two developments into two different versions.  Mobile play will be released in Version 0.75 and fast play will be launched in Version 1.0. We feel that mobile play should take priority.

The Score Milk platform will give back 60% of its revenues to those who are staking MILK.  The staking contract will be released in Score Milk 2.0.


The Milk Token

MILK tokens are rewarded based on gameplay. For every 1,000 TRX that a gamer plays, they will receive 1 MILK.  Keep in mind that as a launching bonus the Milk allocation will be double!  You will earn 2 MILK for every 1000trx played!

The Milk token is also be available on JustSwap as part of the liquidity pool as well as on the open markets at Trontrade and PoloniDEX.

Please ensure you are interacting with the correct MILK token – the contract address is: TYaAqxSMub4VSqZFczKDk6NzQp9N9Mcik2

*As always, please check out the Score Milk white paper.  Make sure you follow Score Milk’s Twitter, Telegram, and Discord channels for the most up to date information.

*Legal: Before obtaining any MILK tokens please ensure you are eligible to do so in the country you reside in.  Visit for our regulation and compliance information.
